Take A Break With Some Music

I decided to take a break today from my usual style of post to show you a side project I’ve been working on. I believe it’s important for everyone to have a creative outlet and music is one of mine.

I did this for my Mum’s birthday which is coming up in a few days. Don’t worry, I’ve already given it to her. I’ll be away on her actual birthday, so I gave it to her in advance 🙂

Bear in mind this was done with a crappy desktop mic I picked up cheap. The “orchestral” sounds are straight from Sibelius 5, tweaked slightly in post production.

The song is an arrangement I did of “Mama” by Il Divo. It’s one of Mum’s favourite songs and the words are very fitting. Enjoy.

2 thoughts on “Take A Break With Some Music”

  1. Hey Mike, this is really lovely. What a good idea for your mum – I bet she loved it!
    You’ve got a really great range 🙂

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