Tonight, Brad Fallon and Andy Jenkins launch their “StompTheNet” program. I have been waiting for this for ages, and now it is finally here. Based on what I have seen from people who have worked with Brad and Andy in the past, combined with their great skill when it comes to Search Engine Rankings, along with my intense desire to master the mystery that is the Search Engine, in a few weeks, I expect to have several of my sites at least on the first page of Google, if not number 1.
I have managed to score #1 position for several longer keywords, particularly when they relate to a particular fable. Just looking through my stats, it is obvious that a fair proportion of my traffic actually comes from sites that have linked to my site after finding a particular fable in #1 position for whatever they were using as an example.
Just a caveat… I’m sorry my writing is not the highly polished literary marvel you are used to from me, but I’m very tired. Spent way too long on my online education, but if you were getting married in just over a year, and lived where I do where the price of houses to average earnings ratio was the highest in the world (apparently), you would be busting every cog to get to financial freedom in the shortest time possible!